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2024-03-12 13:36:52

Personne n'ose aborder le vrai fond de l'histoire: l'anachronisme des familles royales. N'empêche que l'éditorial d'Isabelle Hachey nous amène sur un autre sujet Š partir de la photo truquée: le mensonge en politique.
2024-03-05 01:58:03

The #Claude v3 Sonnet #LLM is a real talker. For queries where other models just give the answer it seems very set on writing both an introduction and conclusion.
(I won't ascribe this to their pricing, as it's a reasonable choice to increase quality of results, but they DO charge more for their …
2024-05-10 07:16:08

The Power of Absence: Thinking with Archival Theory in Algorithmic Design
Jihan Sherman, Romi Morrison, Lauren Klein, Daniela K. Rosner
2024-03-27 07:36:25

"as the Hester episode shows, violent sentiments can be expressed by people very close to power, seemingly without serious consequences for their political and commercial activities. Meanwhile, peaceful protesters are increasingly sent to prison" -- Gaby Hinscliff
2024-04-20 18:32:09

Selenskyj dankt für US-Votum über milliardenschwere Hilfe
Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat dem US-Repräsentantenhaus für die Billigung der milliardenschweren Militärhilfe für den Kampf gegen den russischen Angriffskrieg gedankt. Er sei beiden Parteien sowie persönlich dem republikanischen Vorsitzenden des Repräsentantenhauses, Mike Johnson, "dankbar für die Entscheidung, die die Ges…
2024-04-22 07:13:13

Sociotechnical Considerations for SLAM Anchors in Location-Based AR
Tiffany T. Nguyen, Cinthya Jauregui, Sarah H. Sallee, Mohan R. Chandrasekar, Liam A'Hearn, Dominic J. Woetzel, Pinak Paliwal, Madison Nguyen, Isabella `Amne Gomez, Xinqi Zhang, Lee M. Panich, Danielle M. Heitmuller, Amy Lueck, Kai Lukoff…
2024-03-15 11:39:52

… and that might be the reason deadlines are abused in companies.
There are usually two results of asking “what happens if this deadline is missed?”
1. The answer is most of the time vague, confusing, and communicating no real implications.
2. The person asking will get catalogues as “not strategic” with the future implications of that.
2024-03-28 07:10:53

Markov chain models for inspecting response dynamics in psychological testing
Andrea Bosco a…